Yes, you can cancel your order, but it depends on the order status.
  • If your order hasn’t been processed or shipped, you can cancel by contacting us immediately at +961 78 856 689 or on WhatsApp.
  • If your order has already been shipped, cancellation may not be possible, but we can assist with a return or exchange if eligible.
Once your order is shipped, we’ll send you a tracking number via email or WhatsApp. You can use this tracking number on our courier’s website or contact us for updates.
You can return most products within 7 days of delivery if they are unused, unopened, and in their original packaging. Please contact our customer service team for assistance. Note: Some items, like electronics or personalized products, may have specific return conditions.
  • Yes! We offer same-day delivery in Lebanon for orders placed before [Insert Time, e.g., 1 PM]. Contact us to confirm eligibility.
We accept multiple payment options, including:
  • Visa & MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • Digital currencies like USDT (Tether)
  • Cash on Delivery (COD)
  • OMT, Western Union, and WHISH payments
Yes, we ship worldwide! Delivery times and shipping fees vary depending on the destination. Contact us for an exact quote.
If your product is damaged or defective, please contact us within 48 hours of delivery. Provide photos or videos of the issue, and we’ll arrange for a replacement or refund.
Yes, exchanges are possible within 7 days of delivery for eligible products. The item must be in its original condition, with no signs of use, and include all packaging. Please contact us for more details.
You can reach our customer support team 24/7 via:
  • WhatsApp: +961 71 343 844
  • Phone: +961 78 856 689
  • Email: